Create an Account
Hover over the field names for additional information and answer all questions marked with a *.
Select your Username (Email Address)
We recommend that you use a personal email address (not a school, university or work email address), so that you can retain access during the full application cycle and if you choose to reapply to King's in the future.
Create Password
Your password must be at least 12 characters long, contain at least one number and symbol and have a mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters.
Applying to King's via UCAS or DfE Apply?
Do not create an account on King's Apply (before or after you submit on these platforms). We will create your King's Apply account and send an email with your login details when we receive either your UCAS or DfE Apply application.
Previously Applied to King's?
Please login to your existing King's Apply account with the same email address that you registered with previously. If you have forgotten your password, please go to the 'Forgotten Your Password' screen. Holding multiple accounts may cause technical issues when you attempt to login at a later date.
Emails from King's Apply
Add to your safe senders list. We will send you emails when changes take place on King's Apply, including when you successfully create an account, submit an application and when your application status is updated or you receive a message. These emails are usually sent around 18:00 UK time.
Complete Your Personal Details
Only use standard English characters; King's Apply does not accept non-standard characters e.g. accented characters or non-English scripts (such as Cyrillic, Chinese or Japanese alphabets).
Update Your Information
Make sure we have up-to-date information for you.
If you change your email address or permanent/corrrespondence addresses, please update your record in the ‘Edit Account’ page.